Comments on: Universities should get with the times Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:10:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: dallin Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:10:58 +0000 I found this today.

By: anton Mon, 14 Jul 2008 03:41:48 +0000 Wow.
Way to back each other.
Look, no one answered any of my questions…
To you pelegray…What fallacy are you talking about? I addressed specifically the author’s points in this blog…I never implied, anymore than he did, that he currently thought ASU was “bad.” Believe me, I didn’t lean on that “fallacy” in my replies…Go read my post again… Obviously everything can be improved, so don’t throw that little tidbit in there just for a parting jab. But I’m sorry I disagreed with the author (and seemingly every other author that runs this blog). But at least you did give a few specifics to what ASU should do, something the original author did not. And that was part of my criticism. I still don’t think anyone, including you, has said anything that makes any real sense in respect to “improving” the learning experience at ASU. That’s just my opinion, and certainly you guys can respect that, since that’s all you really seem to deal with.
But good luck with the blog… you guys have a nice start, but you might want to work on mixing it up a little bit, and work on getting a little tougher skin. (Its not like my criticisms were cruel, vulgar, pointless, or completely off base, and it seems like you guys collectively freaked out about it. I like to debate, but not when people seem to be sensitive or they steer the argument all over the place (the fallacy jab)). Anyway, thanks for filling up a few boring minutes at work…and you won’t have to worry about me posting again since it seems like its a little off limits.

By: pelegray Sat, 12 Jul 2008 22:37:29 +0000 Just because ASU, in my opinion, offers a great opportunity to get plenty of bang for your buck doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t look for additional ways to improve. They have the infrastructure for such things as better collaboration outside the classroom through the internet and an increase of outside the classroom media resources. Improvement must always be the focus. I love ASU, that’s why my vote is to go there and I do, but we can make things better. What I see is that some teachers don’t understand the internet and multimedia resources that they have and therefor don’t use it. If the did, they could greatly improve ASU, which is what we all want.

Saying that something can be improved does not immediately mean that it is bad.

So ease off that fallacy Anton…

By: jkieth Sat, 12 Jul 2008 07:19:36 +0000 Whoaaaa there Anton! I can sense your resentment of the article but let’s not forget the title of our blog here. I welcome your feedback and I’m all for having opposing opinions on any article that’s posted (it’s useful in expanding everyone’s perception on both sides of an argument), but let’s try to keep the criticism to a minimum eh?

By: anton Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:29:03 +0000 Dirt cheap? Yes! What are you HAhing about? You obviously don’t understand basic economic principles if you think that instate tuition in Arizona is in any way, shape, or form expensive. Believe me (or better yet, believe university financial reports) universities aren’t money making machines. The money you pay is necessary for the education you receive, whether or not you believe you learn anything. You want a better education? You’ll have to pay more money.
You say you would take your money and go elsewhere— where exactly would that be? Specifically? I’m telling you, you’re not going to find a better education anywhere for what you’re paying here. If you disagree, please be specific on where you’d go. Again, how would you propose that universities “take advantage” of “new ways of presenting information?” What exactly are these “new ways?” Movies? (You could go buy whatever movie it is you want to watch for five dollars on ebay, instead of paying tuition to watch it in class). And before you rant about university costs, go take a gander at how much ASU spends…go see how much money it takes to run a large university…they’re not robbing anyone. And to top it off, you provide nothing that backs your claims. This truly is nothing but a rant—there’s nothing in the whole article that’s fact based or persuasive.
But my real point, and disagreement with you resides in the fact that you think a university should cater to specific, individual needs of each student. Its simply not possible. Or, for it to be possible, we would have to spend an incredible amount of money (more money than we currently spend) in order to pay for more technology, more staff, teachers, buildings, etc. So basically, you’re in a catch-22—you want a better education, you have to pay more money. And that’s the way the world works.

By: Dallin Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:59:14 +0000 Dirt cheap? Hah, maybe compared to the other universities in the country, but that’s only because they’re robbing people too. Plus we aren’t considering the large part of the tuition bill that is footed by tax dollars. University education is not cheap!

I honestly believe that if I were to take my tuition dollars (and those of the state) elsewhere, I could get a much better education.

I’m not saying that hope is lost for universities. When I say “get with the times” I mean they need to take advantages of new ways of presenting information so that they CAN tailor to my learning style and the learning style of others (I’m sure I’m not alone) because otherwise, what are we paying for?

By: anton Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:41:43 +0000 Universities should get with the times? What are you referring to? Who’s times? Who’s setting that standard that universities should follow? You? This was a very egotistical rant. I’m sorry you’re frustrated with your learning experience, but to put the blame on anyone other than yourself is ridiculous. I’ll admit that the teaching style at ASU isn’t always great (but my complaint stems more from the fact that some teachers don’t teach you anything you couldn’t learn by yourself with your textbook), to think that the university has to cater to your specific learning needs is absurd. I know you’re paying for it…but you get what you pay for. Do you know how much tuition is at ASU? It’s DIRT CHEAP. It’s one of the cheapest state universities in the country. I invite you to go look at the costs of other universities around the country…And it’s not like they’re robbing you….
And look at the number of students at ASU. How do you propose the university could possibly attend specifically to the “learning style” of each and every student? It’s impossible. While some homework might be “dumb” to you, or some lectures “boring,” that doesn’t mean they’re not helpful and insightful to others. I mean, you want to learn with movies? Really? This is college…If I watch a movie in class, I’ll fall asleep within five minutes. See the problem? The fact that you don’t like your learning experience should tell you something about yourself. Either you already know what’s being taught (then you should have no problem getting an A) or you don’t get it (hence your frustration). But in any case, your unhappiness doesn’t mean the teachers or university is wrong in their approach to teaching and learning. Thats my two cents.

By: jkieth Thu, 10 Jul 2008 20:59:41 +0000 The “choose your own homework” idea is really good. Of course it would have to be mandatory that you actually choose an assignment otherwise I don’t think anyone would subject themselves to any assignment whether they got to choose it or not. It might be hard on the teacher trying to keep track of everyone’s individual assignments but I think it would give them a chance to learn from the students as well. Good thoughts!
